The actions and attitudes that our employees demonstrate daily enable 10bet十博体育 (HDH) to continue to achieve its mission of enriching lives through better health. HDH的价值观定义了我们作为一个组织的身份, 我们代表什么, and how we strive to be the healthcare partner of choice for our community.





Treating others with sensitivity and empathy provides for a healing environment and shows 尊重 for the emotional, 精神上的, 以及他人的生理需求. We value team members who care about people and demonstrate this through their words and actions.

完整性 demonstrates our moral and ethical principles and is the foundation where we build our relationships. We value team members who follow through on their commitments and adhere to high moral principles and professional standards of honesty, 保密, 信任, 尊重, 和透明度.

We take great pride in continually seeking excellence in our performance and the services we provide. We value team members who are willing to embrace change and adopt best practices.

安全根植于我们的文化,因为我们的工作涉及 关心那些 让他们在最脆弱的时候信任我们. 我们重视致力于安全的团队成员, 他们的同事也会这样, 采取安全措施,不要走捷径.

Strong teams embrace the unique talents of every member, including patients and families. 他们互相问责,建立在信任的基础上, 自信的交流, 注重结果. We value team members who care more about the success of their team than their own individual success.